The main thing to understand is to not take this personally. Businesses are in existence to make money, not make people feel good about themselves..that includes employees and potential employees. The best thing to do is take action each day to get yourself in front of these companies and get yourself noticed.
Instead of doing all my job hunting on one day or even a few days out of the month, I take 30 Minuets each day to work on something that will help me get my next job. Typically I start with going over my resume and adding things that I think are appropriate. Then I check to see if there are any new opportunities in my area. This is particularly important because so many applicants apply quickly to jobs, you want to be one of the first to apply especially if the job interests you. If you only search for jobs once a week or the time you apply 100's if not 1,000's of people will have applied before you. After I locate a job I am qualified for, I apply and I am done for the day.
The next day I start the entire process over taking 30 minuets to find a new job. Instead of sitting around waiting for the previous employer to call me back (which as you know is rare these days) I can move onto another potential employer. After a week has passed I will have applied to at least 7 openings...which will increase my chances of getting hired and finding a new job.
So take 30 minuets each day to find a new job this month and you will be better prepared for the competitive job market that awaits.