
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Take A Page From Unemployed NBA Players - Be An Intern

While most of you haven't signed multi-million dollar contracts in the NBA or with shoe companies, the fact is, you and the NBA players - are both unemployed.

The odds are good that you, and the NBA players will get back to work ... but when? Some NBA basketball players haven't let the NBA lockout slow down their growth as a person, and neither should you!

Take a look at what Blake Griffin is doing for 3 days in Los Angeles. He's getting an inside look at the popular website Funny or Die, and hopes to learn more about video production. Honestly, Griffin could be doing anything with his time this summer - and he's making an effort to learn something he's interested in.

The Clippers' Blake Griffin is not alone.

Brandon Jennings, a popular guard for the Milwaukee Bucks is taking the time to intern at Under Armour - where he is a sponsored athlete. While Jennings will get many perks that no one else would get as an intern, it's the fact that he is taking the time to develop his skills during the summer.

You might not have a multi-million dollar job waiting for you when things get worked out with your owners, but you can certainly learn something from what these NBA players are doing this off-season.

Becoming an intern is more than just offering your services for free because you can't find a paying job. It's about learning new skills and getting exposed to things you have interest in. If there is a company you would love to work for - but they never seem to hire ... show up one day and see if you can't volunteer for a few days to see why it's such a great place. They'll probably at least show you around.

The most important thing becoming an intern does for you, is show other employers that you are making an effort to improve your skills even though it's a tough economy right now. Every time you volunteer or spend a few days as an intern, it gives you one more recommendation, resume point, and contact when the job market does pick up.

If you have had no luck finding a job after applying and getting interviewed for many spots - it's time to offer your services as an un-paid intern. Instead of applying for jobs, find places of employment and see if they could put you to work for a few days.

Here are some more tips to finding that internship:
  • Inquire at places that you have an interest in, something fun
  • Let them know how long you can be an un-paid intern
  • Be willing to travel and locate multiple internship possibilities
  • Be professional, but enthusiastic when you are in front of employers
  • Have an open mind and try new things you've never thought of doing before
  • Start-up companies, politicians, and websites often have internships (but don't advertise them)
  • Contact everyone & anyone you want to internship for. Be professional. 
Good luck!