
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Budget, Economics, Politics Will Play Role In Unemployment Numbers In Central Valley

More and more people are moving from expensive coastal towns and cities in California to the more affordable Central Valley regions - where homes and other amenities can be had at a fraction of the price of what it cost to live in the Bay Area. Just parking your car alone is hundreds in a large city.

The majority of the California State Budget is directed towards Education and Low-Income Aide ... both worthy things to spend money on. Those are where you see a majority of cuts when the gap to balance the budget is so wide. California has tried to pocket huge sums of money through Marijuana legislation - and possibly Online Poker for California residence. Both, if allowed to flourish,  would bring multiple millions of dollars in tax revenue - but at a high price in terms of morality and public image.

Chances are the state is going to have to rely on the Federal Government (or your tax dollar) to continue to loan money to the State and be extremely liberal on payback of that debt. Furthermore, the state will have to rely on long term, sustainable growth that helped develop the information age we all have been enjoying for the last 20 years.

If the state can manage to stay afloat and not tax businesses, students and YOU - to the point that you would want to leave this great state ... as even the 'cheapest' parts of California are quite expensive compared to most other places in the country. Hopefully we can all make it through this together, and make California a great place to live and raise a family.

The key cities in the central valley that would benefit the most from economic recovery would be Modesto, Stockton, Tracy and the surrounding area. Stockton has sports facilities that are some of the newest in the area and have had acts like Bob Dylan and Snoop Dogg perform. There are many jobs available in Stockton - but always be prepared to compete with many other applicants for the time being.

Tracy and the outlying area is one of the most popular places to live for people that work in Livermore, San Jose, San Francisco and the Bay Area. Home prices were extremely high during the peak years, but now they are back into the levels where it makes sense for a Bay Area Family to move to Tracy ... especially larger families where cost of living is high even for 6-Figure earners. Jobs in Tracy, CA tend to be more serviced based or educational - as most of the technical jobs are in the Bay Area.

Modesto, CA is in a great location for those that work in nearby areas. The city has grown much like Stockton has over the years, however - there is still a strong agricultural presence in the area thanks to successful companies like Gallo Wines and Foster Farms. There is a 'nightlife' in Modesto that helps high margin liquor sales going all year. Bartending, waiting tables and other gratuity type jobs are always a good option. From experience, a great place to work is Del Rio Country Club in North Modesto. Stop by and put in your application - they have many positions that come available during the year. For more, try this list of jobs in Modesto California.

There will be financial and political gridlock in California over the next few years, however if the people keep doing there best to survive - the best days are coming for California residences, especially the unemployed.

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