
Monday, September 12, 2011

TV Inspiration For The Unemployed - Bloomberg Risk Takers

One of the benefits of being unemployed is that you actually can take risks trying to find new jobs and income. The problem is, very few of the unemployed actually take the risks necessary to improve their financial situation.

Given that you might be unemployed, you have little money - what do you have to loose? Most people that don't have jobs feel helpless, but your options are actually endless! You could go back to school, learn a new skill like web-design from home, or even start your own business.

One of the best shows to watch if you ever need inspiration from someone that has taken these risks in life ... Bloomberg's Risk Takers is a pretty good program. The episodes I'd recommend are Scott Boras (he studied at Stockton's University of the Pacific) and especially the Elon Musk episode. Most people don't know who Elon Musk is, however almost everyone has heard of (or used) the popular payment system PayPal. Musk is actually one of the people that started PayPal - and then sold it to eBay for a fortune. He didn't stop there - he re-invested his fortune again in SpaceX, Tesla Motors, and even a Solar Company. He almost went 'broke' after he made millions selling PayPal and other sites he started...but he continued to pour millions of dollars into his new ventures until they became successful.

The key thing you can take from a guy like Elon Musk is that he taught himself most of the things he worked on, including rocket science and electronic payment systems by simply reading books. Musk made millions, but kept putting up money to start even riskier businesses. Take a look at a guy like that - and apply some of those things to your life. Study things on your own - you probably have plenty of free time with no job. Take risks! Start new businesses, apply for new jobs, go back to school - do something to change your current situation every time you can.

The last thing is to stay positive. If you stay positive, you will be more motivated to work on trying to find a new job or income stream. Work hard, as you can see by watching Bloomberg Risk Takers, if work tremendously hard at something - chances are it's going to pay off ... both financially and personally.

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